
Compassionate Counseling provides individual psychotherapy services via telehealth to adults 18 years and older who are living in Minnesota, Colorado, or Arkansas. 

What We Treat:

Trauma-related Symptoms:

•Experience of a traumatic event including death, life-threatening situation, serious injury, or sexual abuse

•Disturbing memories, dreams, and flashbacks about the traumatic event

•Avoidance of people, places, or things that remind you of the traumatic event 

•Negative feelings and thoughts about yourself and others since the traumatic event happened

•Difficulty letting your guard down since the traumatic event happened 

•Struggle to function as you normally would in your personal and/or professional life since the traumatic event happened 

Anxiety-related Symptoms:

•Feelings of nervousness, apprehension, or dread

•Worrisome thoughts that you can’t get out of your mind

•Physical sensations of being tense, wound-up, or on guard

•Avoidance of situations that cause anxiety or experiencing significant anxiety while in such situations 

•Struggle to function in your personal and/or professional life because of anxiety

Depression-related Symptoms:

•Feelings of sadness, emptiness, or hopelessness

•Negative beliefs about yourself

•Loss of motivation/energy to do things as well as loss of interest in/enjoyment of doing things

•Changes in sleeping and eating patterns

•Struggle to function in your personal/professional life because of depression

ADHD-related Symptoms:

•Difficulty maintaining focus, following through, and finishing tasks


•Disorganization, carelessness, and forgetfulness

•Restlessness and difficulty sitting still 

•Excessive talking, interrupting, blurting things out, and difficulty being quiet

•Struggle to function in your personal/professional life because of ADHD symptoms

How We Treat It:

Client-centered Therapy:

•Based on the theory that not actualizing your potential is contributing to your pain and suffering

•Creates positive change by meeting you with empathy, unconditional positive regard, and congruence to give you the support you need to self-actualize

Behavioral Therapy: 

•Based on the theory that unhealthy behaviors are contributing to your pain and suffering

•Creates positive change by helping you shift into healthier behaviors

Cognitive Therapy:

•Based on the theory that unhealthy thoughts and beliefs are contributing to your pain and suffering

•Creates positive change by helping you develop healthier thoughts and beliefs

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): 

•Based on the theory that pain is an inevitable part of life as a human but that avoidance of experiences related to this pain is amplifying your suffering

•Creates positive change by helping you commit to action towards your values even when painful feelings, thoughts, and body sensations show up along the way

Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT):

•Based on the theory that unhealed attachment wounds are contributing to your pain and suffering

•Creates positive change by helping you feel the emotions you could not feel when you were originally hurt and facilitating corrective experiences to support healing

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR): 

•Based on the theory that distressing memories that have been processed and stored in an unhealthy way are leading to your pain and suffering 

•Creates positive change by helping you reprocess these memories in a healthy way which is supported by eye movements that stimulate both parts of your brain